Union of Finnish Art Associations
The Union of Finnish Art Associations is the umbrella organisation for art associations in Finland. Established in 1938 it represents its 61 nationwide member associations. The Union advocates strengthening the position of its regional member associations and safeguarding the livelihoods of artists across the country. The purpose of the union is to bring art associations together operating in different parts of Finland and act as their national link in order to improve the position of visual arts throughout the country.
The Union is one of the six members of the Artists’ Association of Finland. The Union aims to improve the regional equality, the position of the regional art associations and the livelihood of visual artists, especially outside of Helsinki metropolitan area as well as in smaller localities. The Union of Finnish Art Associations is an expert and an influencer of visual art organizations, which actively participates in the social debate to increase the renewal, impact and appreciation of visual arts.
Contact information
Union of Finnish Art Associations
Association coordinator
Riikka Puumalainen